Thoughtless Awareness

A state of heightened awareness when the mind is relaxed yet alert. Unwanted mental activity ceases, allowing the attention to focus on the present moment. Stress and fatigue most often derive from thinking about the past or the future. When thoughts are quietened, the natural healing power of one's nervous system is triggered, restoring energy, balance and health.

You are aware, but you are thoughtless. That is the place where you are in the present and you are peaceful. That is the state where you grow spiritually.

Thoughtless awareness is the first beautiful state you have to achieve. It will give you peace and a witness state to enjoy the drama of life, to enjoy the different varieties of people while you are growing within yourself.

You enjoy whatever is created beautifully. You do not think about it. You do not react. The reaction is that there is joy. What a beauty it is. You do not think who has made it, how much it will cost – nothing. You become thoughtless.  And thoughtless awareness is nothing but such a pouring sense of joy – joy which is neither happiness or unhappiness, but singular.

You cannot describe it in words, but you can really feel it inside yourself, that joy of being the Self. When you become thoughtless, then you can see and feel reality.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi